Sunday, June 2, 2013

Time Keeps Moving

This week has been great! Elder Wilstead and I have been blessed abundantly in EB Magalona. We have seen some great progression in our investigators and in ourselves as well. The Lord really has blessed us for our desires to be exactly obedient and to work hard everyday. I had splits this week with Elder Fernando in Manta-Angan. It was a great experience. He was able to help me a lot with the language. We had some great lessons and he helped a ton in getting me involved in the lessons. He has a very positive and hardworking attitude, and is always trying to serve others. Splits are great because you get to learn other tricks and techniques with teaching, speaking, finding, etc. We had the baptism of Brother Antonano this week which was awesome. He is a total stud.. has a huge testimony already and his faith is unreal. He is also like my height but is just a tank. He is built like a linebacker haha! He wasn't able to be confirmed this sunday because of his work. He is a fisherman and all the other men he worked with scheduled to process their new shipment of bamboo on sunday. He will be confirmed next week in church along with another Sister who will be baptized this coming Sunday. The language is coming along better for me.. still hard though. I pray for help with it everyday. That's the challenge of life, and especially missionary work, is relying on the Lord. But i am very grateful for the experiences i have everyday that help me learn and grow. Elder Wilstead and I will be concentrating a lot this week on finding referrals to try and enlarge our teaching pool. 

Time on a mission is so strange.. and maybe its like this in real life too aha. but one second your waking up then the next you are going to bed. life moves fast and its important to realize how important our eternal progression is everyday.The little things will keep you going, reading praying and going to church. thats the golden ticket really. a couple reading assignments. First is Moroni 7:40-43... we must obtain hope to obtain faith.. and we must have faith to do anything in this world. Also read the bible dictionary passages about prayer. Always remember that quality prayers come from the knowledge that you are Heavenly Father's sons.. if your prayers are lacking, its because of a forgetfulness of that relationship. I learn more and more how much we need to focus and have meaningful prayers. I love you all and pray for you. I hope you all have the desire to be involved in the missionary work in your area... the missionaries need your help SO much. so always try to give them referrals, help at lessons, food (haha) etc. I know Christ is our Savior and that through him we can overcome any trials or sins in our life. I know the Book of Mormon has power within it.. and the only way to obtain that power is through studying and applying its principles. Draw near unto God and He will draw near unto you. Love you all again.
Elder Stagg 

just the most rickety old sketchy bamboo bridge ever. no big deal

brother antonano's baptism. he is a stud. he is a fisherman and is just built like a tank. spiritual giant as well.

studying too hard i guess? haha, yeah if you have any ideas of how to fix this.. please tell me.

 thats me waking up halfway through a fast in the humid philippines. haha. 

thats a giant poop in the road.

sweet sunset

sometimes you are so tired you just lay in the road. haha

the rats never cease.. yeah it hit the trap and there was blood and it literally pooped itself. haha

love the ocean !

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