Sunday, September 14, 2014

Difficulty: Expert

Family and Friends,

In regards to my subject title... sometimes life just feels like a video game. haha.


"Keep you from falling" 

Good word of advice... try to think real long and hard before you speak. Especially before speaking of negative things or faults of others. #learninglessonsthehardway. My companion was pretty sick for most of the week... thats a challenge. I never thought sitting in a house all day could be so boring. haha. But he is better now and this week we will be able to hit the ground running. 

Today, I have been shaped and formed by my experiences this week. Many of them good, many of them difficult and challenging.. but all for my betterment. I actually had exchanges with Elder Schow this week.. he is from Alpine. Crazily enough, he worked at the car wash right next to Mr. Mac in AF. Wow. We found out that we actually had a conversation or two before the mission, not knowing that one day we would eventually be enjoying a hot and sweaty bus ride together up into the mountains of the Philippines. #smallworld. We had some good talks about life and of course the deep doctrine excursions (no exchange is complete without it).Good times. 

Quick note about something that Elder Schow and I talked about this week. Prophets. I have heard much of the concerns regarding people going against prophets.. guess what, its been like that since Day 1. The whole concept of prophets and following them truly is just a test of our faith.. do we realize that? I am FAR from perfect at heeding every word of every prophet, but i know its important. For any more enlightenment see 2 Nephi 25:9. We will never be destroyed or hurt by something, unless it is foretold by a prophet. Wow!

Turn with me here to 3 Nephi 18. This is one of the most powerful discourses we have about the sacrament and its importance. Yesterday, after a long and hard week of trials, mistakes and concern... i pondered hard about the sacrament. As my companion passed the sacramental water to the 43 people present at our special sacrament, I had the opportunity to read the prayer on the water. How simple. How meaningful. How lucky we are. The promise (found in the last sentence of verse 7 of chapter 18), "And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my spirit to be with you." So simple... yet we are so quick to not do this. We forget. We are people. Our brains get so wrapped up in the daily grind of life (even missionary life) that at times we forget the bigger more important picture. I am guilty of it daily. I know that as we just remember our Savior more often, we truly will feel the Holy Ghost more abundantly in our hearts. I am grateful for this promise. So hey, do not forget to do the time-tested things that will remind you of our Savior. Prayer... Scripture Study.. Service.. Laughter.. Forgiveness.. Temple Worship... Church Activities.. Your Home and Visiting Teaching.. and of course, the sacrament. We are so blessed to know our Savior in the depth that we do as members of His church. Harness it!

My Preach My Gospel study this week has been out of Chapter 10. More on the parts about addiction recovery and repentance. Its an interesting section in Preach My Gospel. The concepts in there are actually applicable to each of us. We all have mini "addictions". Some of them truly are small and maybe of insignificance, but you should read this part of your Preach My Gospel. The main ideas that I pulled out is that its a life long battle. It never ends. The road to addiction recovery leads right up to the grave. Once an addiction is started, it stays within our soul until the day we die. It does not mean that we are still addicted, but the effects, memories and feelings at times still linger. We must be careful. The best antidote for addictions, is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. There are 1,000's of programs, tools, tips, tricks, etc.. but the only one that has an eternal and deep lasting effect is our faith in Christ. It is what will lead us out of darkness and into the glorious light of hope and optimism. You can do it!

I hate dust and sweat and dirt... it leads to nothing good. haaha. But i love bananas!

I love you all... keep doing good things. Also.. go study and ponder Hymn #29. The message is what this world (and you and I) needs!

Elder Stagg

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